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「はるかぜ 安藤遥」の良くある質問 by Yahoo!知恵袋
Q.どういう意味ですか?「Because every hotel is full, I'm afraid tonight will have no place to stay」「どのホテルも満室なので、今夜泊まる場所がないだろうことを心配している」★「every hotel is full」の「is」はなぜ単数形なのですか?★「I'm afraid~」は「~を心配する」ですか?どのように訳せばいいでしょうか?
A.この文章、正しくはBecause every hotel is full, I'm afraid tonight we'll have no place to stay. では無かったですか?発音が似てますが will -> we willという意味の省略形である we'll つまりこの言葉を言っている本人は宿を探しているうちの一人ですよね。 everyについては他の方も書いておられるので省略します。後半部分のI'm afraidは、この場合心配するという意味ではなく、実生活で使われている経験からすると、残念ながら、というような意味だと思います。例えば、お店で何かの商品について尋ねた際に売れ切れであった場合など、店員さんはAll gone, I'm afraid.というような返事をします。残念ながら売り切れです。というような、前か後ろに来るネガティブな内容をちょっと和らげるような表現かな。よって、「どのホテルも満室なので、残念ながら我々は今晩どこも泊まる所がない。」という感じかな、と。
Q.中3です。もうすぐ英語のスピーチコンテストにでます。お忙しいと思いますができるだけ細かく添削していただけるととても嬉しいです。よろしくお願いいたします。Do you guys do you have a dream?Having a dream is a very important thing.I tell everyone about it and now I'm standing here. It was promoted to the first class to third grade. We have to introduce yourself to everyone getting to know myself.At that time, "I'm not a dream, " "There are no special interests." surprised that so many people say.At the same time in the near future and not have to be bearers of the society has no future we have to dream, what's not so good even in the context of hobbies? The big question was born with a very uneasy to me.Modern world there are many people who grow up to regret what should be done to know the future for myself without having a dream.On the other hand have dreams and goals, the achievement of their many people it is trying to dig up what needs to be thinking of anything.Father and mother to everyone, we have various people such as teachers, "Have a Dream"is because I want to become a good man we like the latter.So who do you think there is difference between two like?Is it still thought seriously about my life. I think the first major fork in the road who do not have the two that I have a dream."Having a dream, " it is the first step to becoming a brilliant man, I think it's really nice.You can strive for and dream their dreams.If you try sometime is a dream come true.You can be happy, fulfilled a dream many people.Happiness comes back to you if you bring happiness to many people. To think this way, have dreams, you make an effort not to think fun?I "want to be a doctor." I have a dream. I always worked hard from an early age and hence.I look forward to coming back very happy to be able to further myself a lot of people happy.And goals that every little thing but I assume, why not find a dream?"Dreams" It opens up a future for keywords.I want to create a brighter future full of dreams through the power of our strong hope.
A.Have you ever had a dream?It is a very important to have dreams. I would like to speak about it. In junior high school life, We have to introduce ourself to everyone to know well about them.At that moment,I was really surprised because many people say "I'm not a dreamer, " "I have no special interests at all."These words let me feel that they face the end of the world and they predict there is no future ahead of us. I wonder if they have ever felt the happiness or the achievement even when they do hobbies.I could not understand their opinions.Innovation was created by many people to inspire the future without determination to achieve(accomplish) the dream.With creating dreams and goals, we can look at targets and struggle to achieve or accomplish them with our full potentials.The reason why I "have a dream" is to become a great person like my teachers, not my parents and the rest. What are differences between the teachers and the people such as my parents? When I think about my life with my seriousness with walking on a road, I could see a man walking on the same road. the person inspired me to regard as the person without dreams at all. It was my first inspiration to have the hope to become a brilliant man. I appreciate him inspire me.You can strive for and dream their dreams.If you work hard, the dream will come true.You can be happyif you achieve a dream with your team.You can share the achievement when you give advices to people around you to achieve something.To think like this,Do you thinkthat having dreams is that you make an effort not to enjoy fun?Now, I have a dream! "I want to become a doctor." I have been always working hard until now and furthur..Not onlyI want to succeed as doctor but also I want to create and share the happiness with people around me.You can have dream even if it is a tiny dream. but why not find a dream to enjoy your life?"Dreams" is keywords to open the door of your future!I want to create a brighter future with full of dreams, and the power of our strong hope. この話は夢を持つ大切さについての文章だね。なかなかの内容でした。でも、英語は難しいもので、沢山のことを一気に書くのは出来ないんですよ。それに添削文を読むと分かるとは思うけれども、簡単な単語しか使っていません。(段落構成まで考えるとどえらいことになるのでしていません。) 詳しく知りたければ教えますよ。ついでに君の文章をこ細かく添削すると、根本的指導からはいらなくてはいけないため、無理ですね。でも、興味があるなら、教えましょう。君の気持には心打たれたからね。お疲れさん。
A.回答失礼します!昔はジョーカーやクローバーもアップされており聞くことが出来たのですが…今は、規制が厳しくなってyoutubeやニコニコでは聞きにくくなっています(・。・;youtubeやニコニコの中でないとダメなのでしたらローマ字や英語で検索してみて下さい((特にyoutubeはたまに聞くことが出来たりしますまた、youtubeとニコニコ以外でも大丈夫なのでしたら韓国(中国?)サイトでyamという動画サイトはどちらもfullがアップされていますよですが、私は海外サイトが難しく感じているのでCraving Explorerという動画をダウンロード(曲だけとかも)するフリーソフトをダウンロードしているのでそのフリーソフトを通してyamから曲[クロアリ、ジョカアリのfull]だけituneに落として聞いているのですが、よかったら試してみてはいかがでしょうか?粗い回答すいませんでした<m(__)m>


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